Frequently Asked Questions

What uniform do I need?

We have a simple and practical uniform – red polo t-shirt with school emblem, navy sweater with school emblem, navy jogging bottoms, navy shorts, white socks. All uniform can be purchased on Stevensons website. We also have a very good second hand uniform shop, run by our parents.

Click Here to See Our Ridge House Uniform List

What do the children have to eat?

We have an exciting menu all home cooked on site with healthy and tasty snacks throughout the day.

Lunch – 11.30 a.m.

Supper – 4.30 p.m.

Scroll to the bottom of the Homepage to find the Menus.

Is there flexibility about changing days?

Yes we always try to be accomodating to parents changing needs.

Does my child need to be potty trained?

Children entering 2 year old nursery do not need to be potty trained, we support them with potty training & provide all nappies and wipes. Children entering into the 3 year old nursery do need to be potty trained before they start the nursery.

What extracurricular activities can they take part in?

We have a wonderful range of activities.  PE, Music and Swimming are all included in their timetables, and make full use of all the facilities. Additional activities they can take part in are Judo, Groovy Movers, Yoga and Ballet.

How much do extra activities cost?

Do children move up to 3 year old nursery by age?

Our nurseries are organised in academic years, so children will have reached 3 by the 1st of September in order to move into the 3 year old nursery.

How do you communicate with parents?

We have an open door policy and parents are welcomed by staff at drop off and collection. We also use an online learning journal called Tapestry, which is a great way of showing you all the amazing things your child has been doing throughout the week.

Can my child have settling in days?

We encourage parents to use the settling in days so that their child feels confident about their new setting.  These are generally done in the three or four weeks running up to the start date, or towards the end of the previous term for those on a term only structure.

When should my child start?

All children are different, and our staff are very experienced in advising parents when would be the right time.

What time is drop off & pick up?

We offer an early morning drop off including breakfast from 7.45 a.m. You can collect at any time to suit you up to 6.00 p.m.

Can I park near the Nursery?

We have a dedicated car park for Nursery parents immediately adjacent to the Nursery rooms.


Thank you so much for your interest in our nursery.

We are delighted that you are considering us for your child. Please do complete a few details below and our Head of Admissions, Rachel Harper, will be in touch very soon.


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